Friday, January 30, 2009

Blah Blah Blah T-shirts and Jeans

OMG guys I love that song by Lady Gaga Just Dance (I'm listening to it now)

Its one of my favorites!! Sorry about the angry post this morning I was like physco...When I was holding my bowl in the kitchen I wanted to smash it on the ground but those little  white bowls are the only ones I use since they are the perfect size so that stopped me lol. Yeah so with my day off my mom took me shopping. She like made me. I love getting new clothes but everything is sooo expensive. Its crazy but I got some really cute shirts that I love! I feel like all I wear are t-shirts and jeans don't get me wrong I love t-shirts and jeans but when I wear them everyday it makes me feel like I'm wearing the same thing everyday and my t-shirts aren't that colorful so I feel plain and my tank tops are nice and colorful but then it gets too cold. So yeah I got some new stuff which means I'll be getting rid of some shirts I have so yeah that was fun. We were going to go see The Uninvited but I didn't want to get stuck in that one theater with all the stupid people who don't shut up and since it came out today I figured it would be crowded. So yeah that's how my days been going so far. I have a math assignment I could do but I made a rule that I don't do homework on Friday thus allowing at least one day of free time for my to spend my time how I wish.. So yeah. Its really nice to be back here writing about my craziness and my day. Sorry Natasha I never meant for you to think I would abandon this blog! When people think you're leaving that's when you know its been to long lol >.<

        Well peace out for now kitties!

                  Crazy Daisy- The One and Only!!


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