Sunday, April 27, 2008


If you did it says its all good and it is. I realize that you are only trying to help. If you didnt read it then read it right now.Notice there are 3 comments. Well yeah. So I hope you are all doing very well. There is a brush fire going on close by and its horrible. I feel bad for the people where it is going on. The smoke and ash smells really bad. I can just hope that it stops soon and nobody's house is burned or damaged. On a good note I will post my story but later because I dont feel like typing it in right now. Yes I know a bit selfish but I dont feel like doing it. Sorry. check in later this week and it should be up.Have a fabulously fantastic day beautiful people!
Crazy Daisy : >


Holly Noel said...

Well I am glad that all is good! Yes, I feel bad for the people in the fire. My aunt had to evacuate! I hope her house is saved! <3

SleepySpirals said...


Stupid global warming. T.T' Hang on, I'm blaming global warming and I don't even know what's the cause of the fire. :S I'm with you on the, hope everyone is okay. We should hold a drive or something for the people who had to evacuate their homes that lost anything. Am I making sense? Okay, maybe not.

It's not selfish. It's your own story. Post it whenever you want girlie! (: Be thankful you don't write for anything official and have the editor breathing down your back every month to make sure you send in your story. >.<

And wit? What wit? I always thought I had no wit whatsoever. Sarcasm? It's a gift. :D

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